Leon Gettler – Idea Explorer Article in SmartCompany by Leon Gettler, 20 March 2012 Undying optimism is one of the qualities of entrepreneurs. This and perseverance is what sets entrepreneurs apart from the rest. No matter how bad things get, entrepreneurs keep...
Article in SmartCompany about cutting costs by Leon Gettler on 28th February 2012 Workers at Alcoa’s Geelong smelter are now waiting for pink slips and their counterparts at Toyota, Holden, Telstra and Westpac are losing their jobs. BHP has warned of more...
Extract of an article by Leon Gettler in Business Spectator titled: Sharpening the productivity tools Lombard Paper, the outfit that supplies paper cups, catering products and AFL supporter gear around the country, adopted DIFOT (delivered in-full, on-time) as a...
Read Stuart Taylor’s Story of personal resilience which I find professionally and personally inspiring. Stuart’s Story – a tale of four hats He see’s with the power of hindsight that there are twelve “pillars of resilience” he has drawn on as...
Interlloy sells warehouse portfolio to support major expansion plans. This Press Release was first issued by the Business Development Company. Australian speciality steels market leader Interlloy is in the process of selling off their national property portfolio of...
Are you seeing a rise in workplace stress and mental health issues?
Do you sometimes feel that leading and employing is all about what’s in it for everyone else?
Well, these are the same questions leaders were asking back in 1908. This video takes you through the Ten Messages of Supportive Leadership that can help you develop a cohesive, productive and supportive culture in your organisation that just might have a significant impact on: • your operating performance, • increasing your exit value, and, • Your, Overall, Lifestyle.
Consider these messages when you recruit, delegate, empower, evaluate, fire and relate to people.
Enter your basic details to see the full video, listen to the podcast, or download the eBook and summary sheet (so we know you aren’t a robot).