Thought Sparks by Rita McGrath

Thought Sparks by Rita McGrath

Thought Sparks comes as a weekly blog via email subscription, or can be listened to as a podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts.

 In her own words:

‘People often ask about the course of my career as if it were the result of a grand strategic plan.  Um, not exactly.  Its contours included a pretty-disastrous foray into entrepreneurship, early roles as a bureaucrat and leader of a digital transformation, a really hard transition to academia and an unexpected opportunity to join Columbia Business School.  The twists and turns have often proved to be surprisingly useful for “seeing around corners.”

My best days involve discovering new insights and helping people I work with gain new capabilities, typically at the intersection of strategy and innovation, with a few detours into areas such as women’s leadership.  I help organizations get past innovation theater to create new opportunities they can actually do something about.  I love helping people answer the question, “where do I start?”  My commitment is to help people translate powerful ideas into action.’